- Queensland Online Strata Inspection Order Form - Click here to get a blank Fax Order Form

Your Details or Company Details

Your Name:*

Your Company Name:

Company Address:

Company Suburb:

Company State:

Post Code:



Email Address:*

Your Mobile:

-Remember my details for next time

Sale/Property Details

Building Name:

Building Address:

Building Suburb:

Lot Number(s):

BUP/GTP/SP Number:

CTS Number:

Report Detail Required*

Standard (4 years of history) more.. Premium Report (Full available history) more..

What Type of Report is required *

Community Titles about this report..

Management Rights about this report.

Vendors Disclosure Statement about this report..

Finance Application Report about this report..

Vendors Disclosure Statement Short Form about this report..

Insurance Liability Report about this report..

Mixed Use Development about this report..

Sanctuary Cove Report about this report..

Section 205 Certificate only about this report..

To book a Returning Officer - Secret Ballot Click here

Purchasers/Vendors Details

Your Reference:

Purchasers Name:

Sellers Name:

Date Required:

We will send your Client a (free) copy of the report if you provide their E-mail details here:

Strata Manager/Secretary Details

Strata Manager Name:

Strata Manager Address:

Strata Manager Suburb:

Strata Manager State:

Strata Manager Phone:

Strata Manager Fax:

Priority Report

Special Instructions -Additional Fees may apply

A priority report service may be available on some reports. A priority report is prepared immediately after the record inspection has been completed and delivered approximately 2 hours later. Additional fee of $88 applies when priority reports/urgent downloads are ordered:

Please provide this report as an urgent download.

Give a brief outline of any special requirements


1. Fees and disbursements at current rates will be the responsibility of the firm ordering the report and payable within 7 days of

invoice. After that time Purchasers Strata Inspections Pty. Ltd. (PSI) reserves the right to charge interest at 8% per annum on a daily basis

from the date of invoice until the date of payment.

2. No responsibility can be accepted by PSI for information provided verbally to it by any Secretary or Managing Agent of the Owners

Corporation or for any failure on the part of the Secretary or Managing Agent to make all of the books and records available.

3. PSI's written report will be a fair and reasonable overview of the affairs of the body corporate as at the date of the inspection on the basis

of the books, records and information made available to it but it is acknowledged that the size and scope of many strata title records are such

that it cannot deal with matters in a detailed or comprehensive way. PSI will make reasonable endeavours to ensure that matters of concern

to purchasers and mortgagees are mentioned in our report.

4. The above is only a summary. Your agreement encompasses PSI Terms and Conditions in full. Available Here

* I have read and agree to the above terms